General Tips
- Use plain language whenever possible, e.g., “use” instead of “utilize”
- Look at recently published articles in your target journal to get an idea of the journal’s style and formatting
- Review articles: sometimes by invitation only, so check journal instructions before submitting unsolicited reviews
- Case reports: consider the pros and cons
- The most important tip of all: ALWAYS, ALWAYS follow the journal’s instructions for authors! Publishing companies have placed more of the burden on authors to submit their papers in proper format and many will swiftly reject papers that don’t conform. Most journals painstakingly prepare instructions for submissions, so ignoring those instructions may convey the wrong message to the editors. Authors should demonstrate respect for the journal, its editors, and its reviewers by making every attempt to follow instructions. If something is unclear, email or contact the journal for clarification – they will appreciate your attention to detail.
How to write...