Submit job request

Click here to submit a Copy Center job request.

Click here to submit a Digital Media Services job request.

Click here to submit a Poster Printing job request.


To submit a Graphic Design or Editing services job request, please continue with the form below.

(for updates to existing graphic elements, choose Graphic Design)


Job type:
Your College:

For colleges other than those listed above, poster printing must be done by University of Iowa Printing Services (


Click "Submit" to exit form.

Your department:
Your division:
Your college:
Poster paper/fabric

 Poster printing: $18-$35 fee + paper/fabric cost

The dimensions of your file must match the print size requested. In PowerPoint, click the "Design" tab, then click "Slide Size." Choose "Custom" in the drop-down menu and enter the dimensions. Be sure to check (or resize) before uploading your file.
Type of video:
Will people be interviewed for this video(s)?
Do you need the Design Center to host the video on our YouTube page?
Paper type
Paper size
Paper options
Special options
Specify top-left or top-right corner
Indicate where to fold in "special instructions" below
Indicate where to cut in "special instructions" below
Payment method:
Ask your mentor/department if they have an MFK (department/grant account number) to cover printing cost.
Payment instructions will be provided by the Design Center after completion of the job.
Enter the 40-digit MFK you would like to use to pay for this job.
You can enter additional MFKs in the Special Instructions field below, with an explanation of the funding split.
PowerPoint files preferred, but we also accept the file types shown below.
Maximum 5 files.
50 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png, tif, psd, txt, rtf, pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx, zip.
Which operating system was used to create the attached file(s)?