First and foremost, check the journal’s instructions! Most journals ask for the same basic information on your manuscript’s title page, but check each journal’s specific instructions.
The Abstract should start on the next page. Insert a page break after the last entry on the title page.
- Title
- Keep it short and simple
- Use key terms and active voice
- Avoid abbreviations
- Check to see if there is a character limit or word count
- Authors
- Make sure authors agree on order, corresponding author
- Use full professional names — not initials only, and no nicknames
- Check instructions for listing degrees or titles
- Affiliations
- Use superscript letters or numbers to denote departments/institutions (but again, check instructions; some journals may ask you to use symbols or letters)
- Keep affiliations as simple as possible: list common institution, then departments/divisions (see sample)
- Affiliations are where each author was when the work was done
- Always list full and legal/correct institution/department/division names
- e.g., Iowa City VA Health Care System, not VAMC or Veterans Hospital
- Try to use University of Iowa instead of Carver College of Medicine or UIHC; UI encompasses all of UI Health Care
- Corresponding author
- Denote as instructed or simply list “Please direct all correspondence to:”
- List postal address with correct zip code
- Denote “current address” if corresponding author is no longer at institution where the work was done
- List phone, fax, email as required by those pesky instructions
- Any other required info according to author instructions
- Word, figure, table counts
- Disclosures, conflicts of interest
- Funding sources
- Abbreviations
- Running head/title
- This work previously presented at a conference
Angiotensin II-induced Hypertension and Cardiac Hypertrophy are Differentially Mediated by TLR3- and TLR4-dependent Pathways
Madhu V. Singh1, Michael Z. Cicha1, Sarah Nunez1, David K. Meyerholz2, Mark W. Chapleau1,3,4, Francois M. Abboud1,3
University of Iowa 1Department of Internal Medicine, Abboud Cardiovascular Research Center, 2Department of Pathology, 3Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics, and 4Iowa City VA Health Care System
Please address all correspondence to:
Madhu V. Singh, PhD
University of Iowa
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology
200 Hawkins Dr., 610 MRC
Iowa City, IA 52242
phone: 319-335-7706